Bud Andrews


Bud W. Andrews
2516 Vine St.
LaCrosse, WI 543601
(920) 615-9164

Bud Andrews, originally from Mazomanie, Wisconsin, lives and writes from his home in LaCrosse. A writer of poetry, essays, and short stories, Bud’s work has been published in the 2010/2011 issue of The Edgewood College Review and on various online platforms and on social media. 


Yes Chef…

Yes Chef.

The days are growing longer.

Yes Chef.

My station is clean.

Yes chef.

We’re all out of lobster.

The Bleu we got in yesterday is bad.

And Diana called in, again.

Seems we’re gonna have another opening for pantry

Yes chef,

It’s my birthday, thanks for remembering, of course I can come in on my day off…

Fuck you Chef.

Four years in this life and only a buck raise…

Yes Chef.

This life will eat you up



I feel the dirt of graves,

like the coarseness of fields,

Between my fingers

While shovels

interrupt morning’s stillness.

Looking out

atop the hill,

seeing foxes play,

We all stop a moment,

All gazing ahead,

Until they fall behind

To the far side.

A faint rustle

of memory

when we were young.

or grist for Mills.

But no one cares for natterings

of the middle-aged

settling like dust

among headstones.