Call for Volunteers

WFOP has several vacancies it is eager to fill. These jobs need you. If you’re interested, get in touch with current co-presidents Cathy Cofell or Ronnie Hess for more information. If you have other ideas about how to get involved, talk to us. One of the joys of being a member is working together.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair is often a new member's first point of contact with the WFOP. Responsibilities include welcoming new members, sending out renewal reminders, maintaining the membership list and sharing information on membership status with board members and key volunteers. The Membership Chair is a voting member of the board with a three-year renewable term .

After five years of growing this program, Jeff Anderson is stepping back so we need a replacement. Currently, the WFOP has the Ekphrastic Contest in partnership with the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum (submissions accepted October - January) and the general contest (submissions September - February). Work includes finding and coordinating judges, communicating with schools and students, screening submissions, and more. Time estimate 60-70 hours annually. Learn more about these contests. . For more on these contests:

Student Contest Coordinator

Board Positions (for Fall Election)

* President or Co-President - Christina plans to run for President, but would welcome a Co-President to share the workload. 

* VP - VP will work in partnership with the President and would move into the Presidency role in the next term.

* Secretary - Dennis Collier is stepping down so we have an opening. 

* Treasurer - Colleen Frentzel plans to re-up, but this is an election so we should share all opportunities.