Community & Connection

A WFOP & Bent Paddle Press Project

Seeking poems in any form & style, narrative or lyric, serious or humorous, reflecting our lived experience during this time of social distancing. The purpose of the anthology is to give voice to the fears and frustrations, as well as the gratitude and hope felt as we adjust to isolation and search for community.

Editors: Kathleen Serley, Bruce Dethlefsen & Angela Voras-Hills.

Submission Details:

• Open to all Wisconsin poets and members of WFOP

• Send 1-3 poems, no more than 5 pages total (as .doc, .docx, or PDF) to with “CCAnthology” in the subject line

• Include bio & contact info in the cover email

• Previously unpublished poems only

• Simultaneous submissions OK, but please withdraw immediately if accepted elsewhere

• Deadline August 15th, 2020

For those unable to submit electronically, please mail to:

C. Kubasta
CC Anthology
2312 Oregon St
Oshkosh WI 54902