Wisconsin Poetry Presses

Wisconsin has a long history of publishing poetry, which continues today.

Brain Mill Press
A story-first publisher founded by authors, Brain Mill Press was founded in 2014 by two bestselling authors with over twenty years’ experience in the publishing industry, Brain Mill Press is a small, independent publisher of “love books for humans.” Our goal is to build a catalog of radically authentic stories and poetry about all facets of the human experience with love, understood as broadly as possible.

Each of our books are sold in three editions — a fine first edition, ebook, and a mass market print — and are available at libraries and wherever books are sold.

2359 Sunrise Court
Green Bay WI 54302
Phone: (920) 212-1403

Fireweed Press
Fireweed Press began in the late ‘80s, when several Madison, Wisconsin, poets, who had been writing and publishing in magazines, began to see the merits of putting their work in chapbooks. Among them, Jeri McCormick decided to act on the advice of established poets Edna Muedt and Viola Wendt (both now deceased) and assemble a first manuscript. McCormick, who had acquired publishing skills at her state government job, called a meeting with eight local writers who shared her interest in publishing.

Jeri McCormick
638 Gately Terrace
Madison, WI 53711
Contact Email:


New American Press
New American Press is an independent literary publisher committed to bringing readers the best in contemporary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translations from across the United States and around the world. We release a new anthology of Midwestern writing each year and annually award a New American Fiction Prize and New American Poetry Prize. 

David Bowen, Editorial Director
Milwaukee, WI
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University of Wisconsin Press
The University of Wisconsin Press is a not-for-profit publisher of books and journals. We select the books using a careful process of review by Press staff, outside experts, and a board of University of Wisconsin faculty. Each of our journal issues also undergoes a rigorous peer-review process.

Andrea Christofferson, Marketing Director
1930 Monroe Street
3rd Floor
Madison, WI 53711
Contact E-mail:


Wiseblood Books
Wiseblood Books fosters works of fiction, poetry, and philosophy that render truths with what Flannery O'Connor called an unyielding "realism of distances." Such works find redemption in uncanny places and people; wrestle us from the tyranny of boredom; mock the pretensions of respectability; engage the hidden mysteries of the human heart, be they sources of either violence or courage; articulate faith and doubt in their incarnate complexity; dare an unflinching gaze at human beings as "political animals"; and suffer without forfeiting hope.

Joshua Hren, Editor-in-Chief
P.O. Box 11612
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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