
Part of the WFOP's mission is to fund local poetry events hosted or coordinated by our members through our grant program. We offer grant awards at two levels. Please request a grant by mail or email through your regional VP, another board member or the WFOP President. Refer to Contact Us for relevant contact info.

Level 1: Mini Grant (Up to $100)

1. Money awarded will be for no more than $100 and will always depend on what the WFOP has to spare.

2. Money will be awarded for Wisconsin projects, hosted and coordinated by a WFOP member.

3. The project must be related to poetry.

4. Generally, no person or group may receive more than one award mini grant in a calendar year.

5. A committee consisting of the WFOP president, vice-president or secretary, and the regional VP for the region the request is coming from, in consultation with the treasurer, will make the decision.

6. The money awarded will not be part of the regional VP’s money but will come from the general treasury.

7. The application process is simple. The person or group requesting a mini grant will submit a letter or an email (no more than two pages), to the president, his or her regional VP, or other board member, containing a brief description of the project, how it will promote poetry and how the monies will be used. The request can be made at any time.

8. The recipient will be invited to one of the conferences to give a brief report on the success of the project. If the recipient cannot attend a conference, a brief report should be submitted to the president via letter or email to be read at the conference.

9. All mini grant awards will be mentioned in the president’s Museletter column so members can see where their membership dollars are going.

10. Mini grant recipients are required to recognize WFOP in all possible ways depending on the nature of the project. This includes verbal acknowledgement and including WFOP in sponsor recognition on printed and promotional materials.

Level 2: Special Project Funds (Up to $300)

1. Project must be connected to poetry and take place in Wisconsin, hosted and coordinated by a WFOP member.

2. Request may not exceed $300 and each region may receive one special project fund per fiscal year, depending on availability.

3. Money award may not be used solely by an individual for personal benefit, such as attending a writing workshop.

4. Funds recipient must recognize WFOP at event(s) and make membership information available. Official WFOP logo should be used. Membership brochures are available from regional vice-presidents.

5. Funds recipient must complete a special project follow-up form to be submitted to WFOP president.

6. Funds recipient will display any products, photos, etc. resulting from funding at conference following completion of special project or arrange for such documentation to be displayed.

7. To apply, a Special Project Funds request should be sent to the appropriate regional vice-president who will, upon approval, forward the request to the executive board, who will make the decision for approval or not. If the regional vice-president is the person requesting funds, she or he can forward directly to the executive board.

8. Upon approval of request, the WFOP treasurer will mail a check to person requesting funding.