2025 Dyad Contest
Theme Award | Poet’s Choice Award
Submission Period: June 1 - September 1, 2025
Poet must be a current WFOP member in good standing (dues current) to enter Poets’ Choice and Theme.
There is no entry fee.
Contest opens on June 1st. Entries must be emailed by September 1st. Snail mail entries will be accepted from people who have no access to email; deadline for snail mail is August 23rd because the poems will have to be retyped into the email file going to the judges. Include the information listed in 6. PLEASE DO NOT SNAIL MAIL IF YOU HAVE EMAIL! Mailing address: Jeffrey Johannes, 800 Ver Bunker Avenue Port Edwards, WI 54469.
Poet may enter only one original, unpublished poem (75 line maximum) in each category. To clarify: “Published includes any print or electronic presentation except copies of drafts shared with critique groups.” The same poem may not be entered in more than one category. Categories are described below.
Type the category in the upper left corner of each poem and include the poems in the body of a single email. Please do not center your poems. All fonts will be standardized before the poems are mailed to the judges. Attachments will not be opened.
Send the poems in a single email to jjohannes7@gmail.com. The subject line should read: "Dyad Entry from Last name, First name.” The body of your single email should include your name, address, email address, phone number, title and first line of each poem, along with the category in which it is entered, and the following statement from members: "I am a current WFOP member. The poetry submitted is my original, unpublished work not under consideration elsewhere.”
o Jane Doe
o Street
o City, State, Zip
o Email
o Phone
o Theme (current theme here): Title of poem and first line
o Poet’s Choice: Title of poem and first line
o Statement of originality and eligibility
Please do not send poems as an attachment. Attachments will not be opened.
You will receive a return email acknowledging that your poems have arrived. The winners will be notified in the fall. The names and the poems of winners who give permission will be posted on the WFOP website and included in the Museletter.
The First Place winner in each category will be ineligible to enter that category the following year.
Prizes will be awarded only if there are sufficient entries and the contest judge determines that an entry warrants an award.
Please do not post your entries on your webpage until after the contest has been judged and awards presented.
For each category below, prizes are $100, $50, $30.
Poets’ Choice: Open subject/form for WFOP members only.
Theme: Open to WFOP members only. The theme for 2025 is “Attractions.” Each poem should not exceed 75 lines.