Felicia Clark

Email: clarkf87@gmail.com
Website: FeliciaClarkAuthor.com

Felicia Clark is a literary fiction and creative memoir writer and poet. Her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, blogs, marketing materials, and multi-authored books. She runs a small editing and publishing company called Measure Life in Bookmarks LLC and reads nearly 100 books each year. Her love of writing began at nine years old and led her to pursue a bachelor’s degree in journalism and creative writing from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Felicia lives as a nomad, traveling in a house on wheels with a home base in the heart of the Midwest, where she was born and raised. Follow more of her adventures at FeliciaClarkAuthor.com.

Awake: Poetry for the Healing (2025), invites readers on an intimate journey of trauma, healing, and self-discovery. With grace and unflinching honesty, explore the rawness of mental health struggles, abuse, and grief in this powerful poetry collection. Tracing a path from childhood innocence to adult renewal, this is written for anyone who has faced life’s crossroads and chosen to rise. Awake: Poetry for the Healing is a testament to the strength within us all. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we can find light and emerge stronger.


Moon Eyes

She emerges with the stars,
slinking with silent paws
across the lawn, weaving
between shadowy craters—
the lunar landscape
mimicking her amber irises
split by crescent pupils.

The cyclops moon scans Earth
as she looks up, eyes mirroring
her twin reflection.
Nature is clever that way,
meticulously mimicking stardust,
translating cosmos into bodies.

My own personal astrologer—
she is the divine feminine,
spiritual connection to evolution,
domesticated and wild.
She always chooses me.

My own personal astronomer—
she is instinctual,
investigator of the universe,
reflecting constellation maps
back to the Creator.

Morning comes and Luna returns.

Mona Lisa Wannabe

“Smile more.”
To smile or not to smile,
that is the question.

let them
question everything
make up
for lost times
the patriarchy
only consent
to smile
because you choose
no regrets