Jeannie E. Roberts
Jeannie E. Roberts is the author of nine books, including her most recent full-length poetry collection On a Clear Night, I Can Hear My Body Sing (Kelsay Books, 2025). She serves as a poetry editor for the online literary magazine Halfway Down the Stairs and is an Eric Hoffer and a two-time Best of the Net award nominee. She finds joy drawing, taking walks, photographing nature, and spending time with loved ones.
On a Clear Night, I Can Hear My Body Sing, Kelsay Books, 2025. $20.00 plus shipping. (Orders may be placed through the author, Amazon, Kelsay Books, and Barnes & Noble)
The Ethereal Effect - A Collection of Villanelles, Kelsay Books, 2022. $17.00 plus shipping.
(Orders may be placed through the author, The Ethereal Effect: A Collection of Villanelles: 9781639802296: Roberts, Jeannie E.: Books or The Ethereal Effect—A Collection of Villanelles – Kelsay Books
As If Labyrinth - Pandemic Inspired Poems, Kelsay Books, 2021. $16.00 plus shipping.
(Orders may be placed through the author, Amazon, or Kelsay Books)
Rhyme the Roost! A Collection of Poems and Paintings for Children, Daffydowndilly Press, an imprint of Kelsay Books, 2019. $14.00 plus shipping. (Orders may be placed through the author, or Amazon or Kelsay Books)
The Wingspan of Things, Dancing Girl Press, 2017. $7 plus shipping.
(Orders may be placed through the author or Dancing Girl Press here)
Romp and Ceremony, Finishing Line Press, 2017. $19.99 plus shipping.
(Orders may be placed through the author, Amazon here or Finishing Line Press here)
Beyond Bulrush, Lit Fest Press, 2015, $16.00 plus shipping
(Orders may be placed through or through the author)
Nature of it All, Finishing Line Press, 2013, $14.00 plus shipping
(Orders may be placed through the author or Finishing Line Press at here)
Let's Make Faces!, Rhyme the Roost Books, 2009, $10 plus shipping and handling
(Orders may be placed through the author or Volume One's local store here)
Recall the Milkweed
—a villanelle
Where timothy lifts and trifolium spills—
the grasslands ripple as dragonflies dart.
Recall the milkweed, where the monarch thrills.
Here, solace grows near the moss laden rills—
harmony flows, extends light, allays dark,
where timothy lifts and trifolium spills.
The hermit thrush sings its silver bell trills—
the field exalts where the meadow meets lark.
Recall the milkweed, where the monarch thrills.
Smooth asters cluster in ray floret frills—
lushness radiates like Claude Monet’s art,
where timothy lifts and trifolium spills.
The pastures enrapture as do the hills—
like balm, Mother Nature soothes weary hearts.
Recall the milkweed, where the monarch thrills.
Our planet’s fraught with humanity’s ills—
still, health will return when we do our part,
where timothy lifts and trifolium spills.
Recall the milkweed, where the monarch thrills.
From The Ethereal Effect - A Collection of Villanelles (Kelsay Books, 2022)
The Punctuation of Ferns
Like snail shells
nestled in crooks
of question marks,
fiddleheads coil,
cap fronds, within
ponds of noonday sun.
Spirals unfurl, respond
without question, roll
out the answer, clarify
meaning in the fleeting
nature of time; only
to rest, repose, after
accentuating glens,
underlining gullies,
hyphenating ditches
with dashes of green,
upon making their mark,
completing this seasonal
sentence, before fading
to full stop and finishing
with periodic ending points.
From The Nature of It All (Finishing Line Press, 2013)