June Paul
June is a member of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets and Wisconsin Writers Association. She is the initiator and promoter of “The Poets Tree of Peace Project.” She has had poems published in HaikUniverse, Blue Heron Review, Visual Verse, Grief Digest, The Poet by Day, Last Day Poems and Ekphrastic Review.
June holds degrees in Psychology and Religious Studies and is well immersed in understanding all peoples’ common quest and desire for peace, whether global, local or personal. Regardless of their age, gender, religion, place of work or station in life, everyone desires to live and work in peace. Her “Writing Poems of Peace” workshops provide time for discussion, creatively writing into and about the topic of peace. June has prior experience in leading small groups, training teams and leading retreats. Contact June at junegpaul@gmail.com
June’s poem “The First Day” appears in her book A Stable Birth (Kirkus review). She also has poems in the anthology Praying Our Way Through Stress: Drawing Wisdom from the Lord's Life and Prayer.
The Poem in Your Pocket
There’s a poem
In your pocket
The pocket of
your heart
you feel it and
in the corner
Of your mind
You know it
The words flow
From deep within
And there it is
In front of you
With a life
Of it’s own
And you know
You now must
Live your life
Like a poem
don’t keep it
In your pocket
Reach inside
Pull yourself out
Don’t let it
Sit in the corner forever
Share your poetic life
With someone else
Storm Song
Thunder clapped
As lightning strikes
the sky in two
Waking two
A wee little baby
and her mother
Bent over her crib
gently lifting her up
Shhh shhhhh
The baby trembled
In her mother’s arms
Thunder Cr-a-acked
and the rain splashed down
slapping the window panes
like sheets hanging on a line
The storm moved so close
It seemed it would soon be
inside the room!
Hush little baby
Be still my beating heart
A song began to impart from the mothers heart
Soothing her own and soon
her wee little baby cooed in tune
staring through the window panes
mother and child stood
Singing the storm away!