Kay Saunders Emerging Poet’s Prize
Deadline: February 1, 2025
1st place: $100
2nd place: $50
3rd place: $30
The Kay Saunders Emerging Poets Prize is open to Wisconsin residents age 18+ (member or non-member) who meet 2 out of 3 criteria.
Have not won a poetry contest, monetary or otherwise.
Have minimal publications: no full-length poetry collection and no more than a few poems in journals.
No MFA or PhD in Poetry or Creative Writing
Contest opens on September 1, 2024, and submissions must be received by February 1, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered.
There is no entry fee.
Enter only one original, unpublished poem (75 line maximum). Previous publication includes any version of the poem made available to the public online or in print—blogs, journals, anthologies, broadsides, small-press chapbooks, etc.
Unless another font is integral to the content of the poem, please use 12-point, Times New Roman font.
No simultaneous submissions.
Submit via email to: wfopkaysaundersprize@gmail.com. The subject line should read: "Kay Saunders Emerging Poets Prize - Last name, First name.”
Attach your poem as a doc, docx, or pdf file or paste it in the body of your email.
The body of your single email should include the following information.
Your Name
City, State, Zip
Email Address
Title of poem and first line
Statement of originality and eligibility and membership status as follows:
“I am (am not) a current WFOP member. The poetry submitted is my original, unpublished work not under consideration elsewhere. I meet the criteria for this award.”
Attachments will not be opened unless all of this information is provided in the email.
If you do not have access to email, please mail submissions with a cover letter containing the above information to:
Kay Saunders Emerging Poet Contest
c/o Cathryn Cofell
2333 E Baldeagle Dr.
Appleton, WI 54913
You will receive a return email acknowledging receipt of your poem. Winners will be notified in the spring. With permission, the names and poems of winners will be posted on the WFOP website and included in the WFOP Museletter.