Nicole Nicholson


Nicole is a beginning poet with autism. So far she hasn’t published anything yet. She has written over 100 poems.



Dear Past

Why do you insist on looming your darkness over me?
Why are you always in the back of my mind ready to strike?
You do this by replaying memories over and over.
Ones I wish to forget.

Memories that serve as a reminder of choices I made which resulted in  consequences I face to this day.
I want to go back to fix things.

To erase all the pain that happened to me.
I think about it often beating myself up knowing I can’t.
This is forever imprinted in me.
Unfortunately, it has become a part of me
which affects the way I view things.
You indeed are a wonder.
The key now is to take all I have learned from you and move forward to the present.

Dear Present

You are here with me now.
Guide me in the right direction to the future.
Help me move on from the past.
To know I can be in control while in your presence.
Through you I have the power to decide what will be next.
Let me be in the moment. Instead of being anxious about the future or depressed about the past.
You are a gift that can give second chances to us.

Dear Future

What do you have in store for me?
Will I be something wonderful or horrible?
Right now I’m not sure what path to take.
You truly are scary to behold. I’m so afraid of you.
All because I don’t know what you’ll do with me.
I fear taking the wrong step.
Please show me what path to take.
I fear making mistakes!