Optional Conference Activities
Poetry Walk
Submit a Poem to the Sheboygan-Stevens Point Poetry Walk!
Following in the footsteps of the 2023 Central Wisconsin Book Festival’s Poetry Walk, there will be a Poetry Walk on view throughout the month of April in both Sheboygan and Stevens Point. Selected poems will be printed as posters and placed in storefronts in the two cities from April 1 to 30. Submit a poem for consideration following these guidelines:
Submit one poem that addresses the eco-justice/ecopoetics theme of the WFOP conference. We’re looking for poems about the environment that ponder, critique, examine, and/or pray for everything in the world that is non-human; poems that are—in the words of poet John Shoptaw—“ecocentric, not anthropocentric.”
Poems should be formatted as a Word document in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 28 lines max including stanza breaks.
Send your poem to Submit to Poetry Walk.
Unpublished poems only. Include a short bio (50 word max).
The deadline for submissions has passed.
Optional Tour - Art Preserve
Join a tour of the Art Preserve, the home of the John Michael Kohler Art Center’s collection of artist-built environments. Meet in the lobby of the Art Preserve. When you register for the conference, indicate your interest in the tour. Registration for the Art Preserve Tour will close on March 25.
Time: 3-4 p.m. Friday, April 26
Location: 3636 Lower Falls Road, Sheboygan