In an effort to stay connected, uplifted and honor the fellowship part of our name, Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets shares these free resources for workshopping and creating community online.


Creating Community Online:

Black Lawrence Press has published essays for new and beginner poets called Far Villages. Contributors read from the collection in a series of “Craft Talks.”

Poet Tara Skurtu has started #Internationalpoetrycircle where poets are reading poems (theirs or others) and she's been posting with that thread -- you can find on Twitter mostly.

A virtual book club is being offered by A Public Space.

Voice and Vessel is offering free online writing gatherings called Hummingbird Sessions.

See MoMA’s Poetry Project for poetry in response to art.

Take a free poetry course with Coursera. Modern & Contemporary Poetry (ModPo) available (you’ll need to create an account).

Rattle magazine offers “Rattlecast,” a web-based poetry reading with virtual open mic.

Bagley Wright Lecture Series on Poetry.

On Being offers Poetry Unbound, a 10 minute or less discussion of a poem, hosted by Irish poet Pádraig Ó Tuama. Also available as a podcast.

Resources for Writers in the Time of Coronavirus from Poets & Writers.

Write On Door County has created a virtual inspiration page, which links to daily prompts and other sources of creative connection.

If you’re in search of inspiration and/or guidance, the great Keri Smith has returned to online life with a project of daily creative assignments called Exploration of the Day (from Austin Kleon’s weekly newsletter).

Free Writing and Reading Workshops:

Barrelhouse is offering a free Read-In and Write-In.

Writers’ Inlet Weekly Circle: Writing in the Time of Coronavirus. What’s it like to write through and about this new abnormal? How can we find the words to describe this pandemic, and find perspective through the written word as we cope with coronavirus? Join Angela for weekly video-conferences, free and open to as many people as her videoconferencing bandwidth can handle. Topic announced each week. To opt in, email Angela at and she’ll send you the link, date and time for the first conference.

Writing Prompts or Challenges:

Take the #FlashInThePandemic Hashtag Challenge: Want to make short work of short prompts while shut in? Take the #FlashInThePandemic hashtag challenge. All genres are welcome: poetry, fiction or non. Here’s how it works. Go to and pick a prompt to spark a poem, story or mini-memoir. Write a flash piece--anything of up to 250 words or less. Tag it with #flashinthepandemic (and the prompt’s title). Post on your social media of choice--or submit to a journal, send to a friend. Then search under the hashtag to see what others are writing on the same prompt. One spark can start a whole fire. (Subscribe on the site to receive #FlashInThePandemic prompts sent to your inbox daily.) All prompts posted by Angela Rydell, who encourages WFOP members to join in, because no one knows how to say more with less better than poets.

Signup for Woodland Pattern Book Center’s “Prompts against Anxiety.”