Kathleen Serley
What if shadows were green, not grey,
a jeweled cache, emerald cut
tumbled atop the leafy trees
casting riches across the yard.
A jeweled cache, emerald cut,
faceted light inviting dance,
casting riches across the yard,
not dark blankets smothering growth
Faceted light inviting dance
if shadows shown yellow not grey,
no dark blankets to smother growth
but saffron hues warming the glade.
When shadows shown yellow, not grey
lemony light quickens new growth
with saffron hues warming my heart
unblocking daydreams from dark doubt.
Lemony light quickens new growth;
think shadows purple, red—not grey
unblocking daydreams from dark doubt
full-color visions drawn my way.
Think shadows purple, red—not grey,
rainbows stretched across the grass;
full-color visions drawn my way
guide my options from drab to bright.
Rainbows stretched across the grass
and tumbling through the leafy trees
guide my options from drab to bright
when I see shadows as green not grey.
Judge’s Comments:
The pantoum form seems particularly appropriate for a poem that questions and re-envisions the world—not through rose-colored glasses, but by imagining shadows as green (suggesting possibility), not grey. An interesting perspective…