All the Tiny Sounds

I watched a hummingbird today
at the feeder outside our window

sugaring all three inches of his being
with a tongue I couldn’t see,

a tongue that moves in and out
thirteen times a second,

wings that beat two hundred times
to one of my steps, and a heart,

who can imagine that miniature heart,

or all the miniature hearts in this world,
all the tiny sounds

like grass spiders spinning webs before dawn,
ants dragging sweet watermelon home,

the second hand steady
on the clock in this waiting room

or maybe even the way the sun caught
on that throat and glistened. 


Judge’s Comments:
Lovely lyric moment.


Poet’s Statement:
This poem comes from a prompt that a few friends did one time: start a poem with the words "I watched a hummingbird today ... " 

Try it and see what happens!