My Almost Tibetan Daughter

An application completed in pen,
a link stronger than flesh and blood
connects us for decades—five times ten.

An invisible bond beyond my ken
A rosebush from a single bud,
an application completed in pen.

Two women relate again then again
A lotus sprouted from moist mud
connects us for decades—five times ten.

A kinship not for sale in dollars or yen,
not for barter for a stallion or a stud
flowed from that application signed in pen.

A follower of the Dalai Lama not of Zen,
enriches my meditation. A singular lifeblood
connects us for decades—five times ten.

Unsure whether I’ll see her again—
when I hear her voice warm feelings flood.
One fortunate application completed in pen
connects us for decades—five times ten.

Susan Schwartz Twiggs is inspired by Wisconsin's lakes and Arizona's deserts. She writes poetry for adults and stories for children. She thanks poet and teacher, Marilyn Taylor for her skillful editing. Recent publications are in Moss PigletThe Ariel Anthology, and the Muse V online exhibition.