Shadow of owl on the nave wall,
ghost eyes drilling into my skeptic’s heart.
Jízda Králů // Ride of Kings
every spring
a cavalcade bears the boy
As brief of forests
trees logged off on
mountain slopes
Apology of the Monarch
In anticipation of my potential,
you carefully plucked me
To Lake Michigan
We loved you for your expanse rolling miles beyond
the horizon which itself is far and faint. At our feet
Garden Yield
Last night was the season’s first sharp frost.
The year is treading into middle age.
New Year's Resolution: Act Your Age
Orange tabby eating on pantry rug
won’t always be here. Neither will I—
Writing My Will
We sat in the long, rectangular room
with the long, rectangular table topped
To steer at thirty-seven
miles per hour with the
grandma wanted to make
tamalitos de chipilín