This dawn, filled with wonder—
all thin-cloud angles
Flowing rhythmically in soft tones
of the blue-gray daybreak
And below the surface this
ice-edged composition is
Water shadowed in memories—
In honor of you, dear Johnny
A loon sashays by, and like you
he offers me a glimpse
Of my yester-life in the instant—
much like the old song I hum
Before the house clambers awake—
It’s what you mean to me. . .
“You’re much, too much, and just too very very
To ever be in Webster’s dictionary
And so I’m borrowing a love song from the birds
To tell you that you’re marvelous
Too marvelous for words.”
Mary Wehner is author of five letterpress chapbooks, as well as several letterpress broadsides published by Red Hydra Press. She was nominated for a Pushcart and was Poet-in-Residence at Penland School of Craft for two sessions. Two books were published in 2023 Collected Poems and Exactitude Along The Water, as well as poems accepted in various journals.