A Conversation Over Watermelon

I sit next to his bed
When he wakes up, I'll be there
and we can talk

and maybe he'll eat a bite
of the fruit on his tray

Is that watermelon?
It is. Would you like some?
That would taste good.

He opens his mouth, ready
for a piece, closes eyes
and chews slowly

It's just like the doctor said it would be
How is that?
At the end someone would be feeding me.

I place another piece into his mouth.
It tastes good.

I sit quiet, savoring the moment,
his voice,

So sweet

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After years living in Waukesha countryside, Kathleen Phillips now calls Milwaukee home. The view outside her window and the streets she walks every day inspires her writing. Katy has been published in many anthologies and poetry journals, the latest in Portage Magazine. Her poem "A Good Time for the Truth" won first place in the 2021 Muse Prize.