How to Shoot a Turkey

Get a gun.
Get some warm sox and a flask.
Study flight patterns of big birds.
Meditate on its cavity
            and what it can be stuffed with (oysters?)
Get ammunition.
Get out your warm gloves.
            with the trigger finger holes.
Study the tamped down field
            (important) goose tracks vs. turkey
Meditate on the meaning of it all.
Get your binoculars
            and a good mystery book.
Get a blow-up cushion.
Get some water-proof boots.
Meditate on meaningful excuses:
            too cold for the big ones
too crowded in the woods
too loud — geese everywhere
the football game is starting
a wild bird is tough.
On the way home
            pick up a ten pound “Butterball.”
Call your wife.
Tell her you miss her.

Image of Mary Wehner

Mary Wehner is author of four letterpress chapbooks, as well as several letterpress broadsides published by Red Hydra Press. She was nominated for a Pushcart and was Poet-in-Residence at Penland School of Craft for two sessions. She is published in various journals and anthologies around the country.