One Small Gesture

The neighbor beckoned me into his backyard. 
My first encounter with him after living years across the street. 
We both were private, kept to ourselves, we liked to say. 
At first I hesitated but dropped my watering can, followed. 
He had vegetable plants to share, advice 
about organically warding off pests and weeds, watering. 
I discovered he canned tomatoes, grew potatoes,
had a son who suffered a brain injury.
That vulnerable cupping of his hand, waving it towards his body
opened up so much possibility: benevolence, community.  


With her retirement from teaching and the pandemic coinciding, Angela Hoffman took to writing poetry. Her poetry has been widely published. Her collections include Resurrection Lily (2022), Olly Olly Oxen Free (2023), and Hold the Contraries (forthcoming 2024 from Kelsay Books).