Paging, this is Nathan.
I need you to page the on-call doctor right away?
Painter and Poet
They walked along the seashore
below an azure sky.
Travels with My Muse
The woman in front of us on the train
is on her cell phone
For a Night Without Stars or Moon
Earth and sky have joined forces. Water and sky are one.
Night transforms and makes smooth our differences.
Paper Boxes
Tucked within the walls
of origami boxes
Hope Cantos
Hope is a sad theme that we carry
in a black river inside.
Godspeed: Emails from My Garden
Birds are back!
Wren wakes me before dawn
Begging Bowl
What is Black and White and Red All Over
“Ma, nothing’s going to happen.”
Cop mistook gun for taser.
Matching Game
I swat mosquitoes sitting in my backyard
drink iced tea under the blotchy shade
Once, Now, Someday, In the Kitchen
I held your plump three year old hands
While we danced around the kitchen and
Practicing Phrases
You remember your father
retreating from work each day
Lady Macbeth to Her Sister
My dearest sister
How I wish you were here to help me
Not an Exclamation Point
It is not day
or night
I drive my ninety-year-old uncle around the
imposing bluffs ringing La Crosse like a rocky
Reclaiming Paradise
We learn by going where we have to go
to see what causes what.
A Conversation Over Watermelon
I sit next to his bed
When he wakes up, I'll be there
The Sliver in My Heart
The pine wood floors were slick in socks
so I challenged my brother to a race, then
from Morning Monologues
Dear Richard,
Wondering what to do with all the books I promised you when I’m done