When I Held the Eagle

I cradled the eagle
like a babe in arms,
with one hand firmly holding its feet.
With impressive strength
the twelve week old raptor
gave one heaving attempt to escape,
stretching its wings,
resisting my grip.

Unsuccessful at escape
the bird relented,
snuggling into my hold.
Our eyes met for an instant.
I noted avian rage,
alarm, confusion.
Did it register my respect,
admiration, awe?

A chance meeting
a primal connection
between myself and
the embodiment of power,
grace, and courage.
Breathing in,
I savored an instant
never to be repeated.
A shared moment
between two disparate creatures,
leading both toward fledge.


Peter is a retired chemistry teacher who writes daily. His first collection of poems, I Know a Place, published by TheShyWriter, debuted in August of 2021. When not writing, Peter can be found riding his bicycle, gardening, or walking his dog, Jack. He resides in Southwest Wisconsin.